One age, a doctor, who was played the part by Will Smith, was live alone in New York. There were no people, only him. On the story, people infected a dreadful disease. Then people infected it, they was going to go mad, or death. Mad people killed other people, so the doctor was the only human who have right mind. He tried to discover a medicine to cure the disease.
His wife and daughter was killed mad people. He had an antibody by nature. So he took action with his dog. The dog was his only family. But on the way to finish discover effective medicine, the dog was infected by the disease. The doctor killed the dog by himself when he saw the dog will go mad. He got angry and felt so sad, and he went to out to fight mad people. But there were too many people to beat all of them, so he was about to killed. Then, a woman who had right mind saved him. She came from a place where gather people who had their right mind.
Next day, they were going to go to the place. But the doctor’s hiding place was noticed by mad people. The mad people attacked the hiding place. So doctor and the woman get away in his laboratory. Then, the medicine was completion, but mad people in front of them. So the doctor hided the woman to safety place with the medicine, and the doctor blasted the laboratory with himself. So he save the world exchange for his life. He was called, ‘iegend.’
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