
Movie Review1 Shrek

Shrek is a monster. He looks very ferocious, and people are afraid of him. But actually, Shrek has a gentle heart, and he is a kind monster. Donkey is an ass. People are carious about him, because he can speak. Fiona is a beautiful princess. When the sun goes down, her figure changes to an ugly monster that looks like Shrek. She was cursed by a witch, and if she can kiss her knight, she will assume her true figure. Farquaad is Lord of the country. He wants to be a king. So he looks for his wife.

Shrek lives in a swampy place alone. But one day, Farquaad drives the fairy tale residents out of his city. So they are drove to Shrek’s swampy place, and Shrek meets Donkey. But Shrek doesn’t like them coming to his swamp. So he protests to Farquaad and tells him to take back the fairy tale residents to the city. Then, Farquaad looks for his wife. He asks a magical mirror about which women should be his wife. And he picks Princess Fiona. But Fiona is held captive in a Dragon’s abode. So he thinks of an idea. If Shrek save Fiona, Shrek can take back his swampy place. So Shrek goes to the Dragon’s abode. And he saves Fiona. But on the way to city, they are charmed by each other. But they have a misunderstanding, and Fiona goes to marry Farquaad. In the middle of their marriage ceremony, Shrek marches into the ceremony to take back Fiona. Then, the sun goes down, and Fiona’s figure is starting to change. She becomes a ferocious monster. But Shrek still loves her. So he kisses her. Then, she takes goes to her true figure. But her true figure was the monster. But Shrek and Fiona are happy.

I think Shrek and Fiona will be happy forever. I like this story. First, I thought Shrek was an unfeeling monster, because he was cold to Donkey. But during watching the movie, I came to like him. He has a kind heart, so Donkey and Fiona love him.

(356 words/3889 words)

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