
August 8 "Sad news"

This morning, I got an e-mail from my friend. It let me know death my friends. The news was a big shock to me. I couldn't believe, and I was crying alome. Even know, I feel like they are still laughing with their friends. He was my friend's boy friend. So I was really worried about her. They were killed by traffic accident. I thought, friends dying is really sad and heavy thing. I was in New Zealand then, so I couldn't attend their funeral. I wish that they can sleep peacefully. I want all my friends and family to be careful for traffic accident.

this day's our activity was going shopping. We went to St. Luks. I bought two pairs of socks with my friend. We shared each of piecies. It was very warm. After our shopping had finished, we went back to Unitec. We have an English class. But I was very tired, so I was very sleepy. I got used to stay in New Zealand quite a bit.

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My favorite sports

I belong to baseball club as a manager. I can't play baseball, but I really like to watch baseball games. I can make baseball scorecards. I'm really happy to belong to baseball club.

-Soft-ball tennis
I hed been in a soft-ball tennis club for six years. I wasn't good player, butI really enjoy playing tennis with my team mate.

-Dodge ball
When I was a junior highschool student, I often played dodge ball in physical education. When I hit another person, I was very exited.

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My bus didn't coming!

Today's morning, I went to my bus stop as usual. But there were a lot of people. I wondered why are here such amount of people? Actually, they were all waiting bus. The bus was going to come at 7:30. But 7:32 bus didn't coming. So we had to get in 8:00 bus. It was too late to go first period class. But the way to university was not as crowded as usual day. So I could arrive university at 9:20. Now, I'm very tired because of long time waiting for the bus. In addition to this, I'm very sleepy, and hungry. I want to go home right now. I hate such as bus accident. So I want to buy my car. If I come to university by car, it takes 40 minute. But when I come to university by bus, it takes 90 minute. This is waste of time. So I work hard to save money to buy my car. Yesterday, I watched some used car on Internet. If I buy my car, I want to decorate the car cute, and load many CDs and MDs. I like to listen to music with driving a car. But now, I'm not good at drive cars. So I need to practice more and more.

In connection to this, my parents bought a new car. It was odessay. I like the car, but it was too big for me to drive.

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August 5th "Sky Tower"

In New Zealand, I have to get up at six. It was same as in Japan. I felt very sleepy everyday. The activity of this day was to go to Sky Tower. The tower is the highest building in Auckland. We went there by school bus. When we arrived at sky tower, there were a lot of things which I wanted to take pictures of it. For example, a small model of Sky Tower, and a beautiful water fall, etc...
We used a lift to go to the top of Sky Tower. The floor of the lift was transparent glass, so we could see a scary scene. When we leach the top, we were very surprised. There were bis t transparent glasses, and we were surrounded by these. It was really wonderful view!
After that, we went to the sea. We had really good time there. On the way to Unitec, we could see Sky Tower. I couldn't believe that i had been there, because Sky Tower was very high.
In this after noon, we had an English class. We met two teachers, Yvonne and Michelle. After the class had finished, we went to a computer room. We had to made our blogs. I thought, "Do I have to do blogging again!?" I don't dislike blogging, but I didn't want to have two blogs!
On the way to home, I got on a bus for the first time. I was very nervous, because I didn't know how to get on a New Zealand bus. But the driver of the bus taught me how to get on buses kindly, and I could go a bus stop which is near my home. But I couldn't find the way home from the bus stop. So I asked a man, and he taught me the way. I could go back home.
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August 4th "School"

I went to Unitec, and met my friends. Everyone said, "I couldn't listen and speak English!" I thought it too. Today's morning, we had an orienteering. After the orienteering, we went out of our classroom to have a lunch. I bought a cup noodle. But it had too much amount for me to eat all. After dinner, I ate a cake, which was made by Veronica. It was very delicious. I gave my friends a piece of the cake, and they said, it is delicious, too.

This after noon, we had an English class. we had to divide two groups. One group was reporters, and the other was ambassadors. Ambassadors had to make a country on imagine. So we made "Sky Country" The country in on the sky, and we can fly with our wings. We can change our skin color like chameleons, and we eat bird and crowd and snow. It was funny class. After school, I came back home. Veronica came for me to Unitec. We dropped in a mall. When I ride in the car, I could see a beautiful rainbow. It was very big and vivid.

The dinner was good, too. After dinner, she made me a dessert. It was very very nice!! I had never eaten such a dessert. I like it. After dessert, we watched a movie. It was little scary, but I enjoyed watching it.

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I went to New Zealand!!

I went to New Zealand as home stay program in this summer vacation. So I will write about the life of New Zealand.

On August third, we, KGU students arrived at New Zealand. This is the first time for me to come to foreign country, so I was anxious and nervous. I was really looking forward to see my host family. But I couldn't listen and speaking English well. In the airplane, most of my friends said that they worried about this home stay program. But I received some e-mails from my friends before I left for New Zealand. All of e-mails said, "Do your best!" and "Be careful for your health!" I was encouraged by these e-mails.

I arrived at New Zealand and I went to Unitec, where we had to go during we are in New Zealand. When we entered a room in Unitec, we received a paper, which was written information of our host family. I looked the paper, I was surprised, because my host family was changed. It made me more nervous. But when I met my host family, I was relieved. My host mother, Veronica looked so gentle and her son, Francis was very cute. They were very kind for me. I went to Veronica's home. After minute, we went to Veronica's sister, Janette's house. There were kindly people, too. In addition to this, there was a Japanese girl. Her name was Sayuri, and she came from Tokyo. We walked around in a park. I could see some beautiful scenes ans I took some pictures.

After we came back home, Veronica made dinner. Dinner of New Zealand was different from Japanese one. But it was very good. Veronica is really good at cooking. I was really happy, because Veronica and Francis were my host family.

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