
We Went To Tokai University Kyusyu

We, KGU baseball club's member went to Tokai University Kyusyu to do a game. The purpose of game was to improve each skill of playing baseball. But on the way to Tokai University Kyusyu, we lost the way. At first, we were at a lost because we didn't know where we were. But after, we found where we were on a map. We expect to be on time which the game starts, so we decided to enjoy driving. this was secret to another team mate.

We could be on time to start the game. The result of the game was lose. But players did their best. So we have to help to improve player's skill of playing baseball. We have a few time to the last game for 4th grade players. So 4th grade players and managers will retire soon. It is very sad for us. So I will enjoy last for 4th grade's retire.

(159 words)

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